17 Foods Everyone Actually Hates

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We invite you to explore the fascinating world of culinary preferences with our guide to “17 Foods Everyone Hates.” Certain foods appear to elicit a sense of disgust and repulsion in every single person, even though tastes vary significantly from person to person.

These dishes elicit strong reactions and inspire intense conversations among those who are passionate about food. From the controversial perfume of durian to the acquired taste of anchovies, these delicacies are a source of controversy.

Come along with us as we investigate the factors that contribute to the widespread disapproval of these dishes and uncover the stories that lie behind the reputations that they have garnered.

This guide provides a fascinating look into the world of meals that defy universal appeal, and it is a great resource for anyone interested in the world of culinary tastes or whether they are simply curious about the world of food.

1. Brussels Sprouts

In large part because of their robust and astringent flavor, Brussels sprouts are frequently found at the top of lists of foods that people wish they could avoid.

Other people find their earthy flavor to be overbearing and unappealing, even though other people appreciate it when it is properly prepared. In addition, Brussels sprouts can have a more bitter flavor and a more mushy texture if they are cooked for an excessive amount of time, which further contributes to their poor reputation.

2. Liver

Liver, and more specifically beef or chicken liver, is a controversial cuisine that tends to elicit passionate reactions from both supporters and opponents of the consumption of liver.

Those who are not accustomed to being exposed to it may find it off-putting due to its distinctive flavor and occasionally abrasive texture. The fact that many individuals find the concept of eating organ meat to be unattractive is another factor that contributes to the liver’s status as a food that is generally hated by a large number of people.

3. Durian

It is common to characterize the aroma of durian as a mixture of rotting onions, turpentine, and raw sewage. Durian is a tropical fruit that is well-known for its controversial appearance. Despite the fact that some people appreciate its custard-like texture and sweet flavor, others are repulsed by its powerful scent, which has resulted in it being prohibited in certain public places and modes of transportation.

4. Anchovies

In addition to their usage as a flavoring element in sauces and dressings, anchovies are a type of fish that is tiny and oily. They are frequently used as a topping on pizzas and salads.

On the other hand, many individuals find that the powerful, salty flavor and pungent perfume of anchovies are too much for them to handle, which is why they steer clear of recipes that contain anchovies altogether.

5. Black Licorice

Black licorice is a sweet that is controversial and evokes strong reactions from people who are passionate about candy. The peculiar flavor of this substance, which is formed from the extract of the licorice root, may be divisive, with some people loving its robust taste while others find it to be unpleasantly bitter and medicinal.

6. Tofu

Tofu, which is a staple in many vegetarian and vegan diets, is a product that is processed from soybeans and is highly valued for its versatility as well as its high protein content. On the other hand, those who are not accustomed to it may find its tasteless and spongy feel to be disagreeable, which is why it is included on lists of foods that people detest.

17 Foods Everyone Actually Hates

7. Blue Cheese

There is a variety of cheese known as blue cheese, which may be identified by the presence of mold veins that are either blue or green. Some people appreciate its harsh, sour flavor and creamy texture, but there are others who are turned off by its pungent smell and intense taste, which can be suggestive of ammonia or foot.

8. Cilantro

Coriander leaf, which is another name for cilantro, is a prominent herb that is used in a wide variety of cuisines all over the world. Nevertheless, a sizeable proportion of the population possesses a genetic tendency that enables people to perceive cilantro as having a taste that is similar to that of soap or metal, which in turn causes them to find cilantro to be quite unpleasant.

9. Licorice-flavored Candy

In addition to black licorice, candies and sweets that have a flavor similar to licorice are also generally detested by a very large number of people. The pungent, herbal flavor of licorice can be off-putting to individuals who prefer sweeter, fruitier flavors in their confections. This is true whether the confection in question is licorice-flavored jelly beans, candy ropes, or an assortment of pastilles.

10. Olives

Olives, which are a ubiquitous component of Mediterranean cuisine, are cherished by a large number of people due to the meaty texture and saline flavor that they possess.

17 Foods Everyone Actually Hates

Their peculiar flavor, on the other hand, can be divisive, with some people finding them to be too salty or bitter for their liking. This is especially true when they are consumed in their whole or when they are stuffed with ingredients such as garlic or anchovies.

11. Liverwurst

Known as liver sausage, liverwurst is a sort of spreadable sausage that is produced with ground swine liver and other components. It is also known as liver sausage.

Some individuals are turned off by its strong, metallic taste and pungent aroma, which might be suggestive of offal or organ meats. On the other hand, some people appreciate its rich, savory flavor and creamy texture.

12. Pickled Herring

Fish that has been pickled is considered a classic delicacy in many Eastern European and Scandinavian cuisines. It is highly regarded for its sour flavor and its hard consistency. Its strong, fishy taste and pungent perfume, on the other hand, can be off-putting to individuals who are not acclimated to it, which is part of the reason why many people choose to avoid it entirely.

13. Marmite

Yeast extract is the primary ingredient of Marmite, which is a black, sticky spread that is popular in the United Kingdom as well as in other areas of the world. There are some people who appreciate its savory taste on toast or crackers, while others find it to be overpoweringly salty and bitter. This is because its flavor is powerful and salty, and it can be polarizing.

14. Natto

Traditional Japanese natto is a dish that is created from fermented soybeans and is highly regarded for its pungent aroma and characteristically sticky texture. Those who are not accustomed to it, on the other hand, may find its strong, ammonia-like stench and slimy substance to be off-putting. As a result, many individuals choose to avoid it entirely.

15. Lima Beans

Lima beans, which are often referred to as butter beans, are a type of legume that are highly valued for its velvety consistency and subtle flavor. On the other hand, the starchy flavor and mealy texture of certain foods might be off-putting to certain persons, particularly when they are overcooked or prepared in an incorrect manner.

16. Vegemite

Yeast extract is the primary ingredient in Vegemite, a dark, savory spread that is widely consumed in both New Zealand and Australia. Some people appreciate its umami-rich taste on toast or sandwiches, while others find it to be excessively strong and overbearing. Its deep, salty flavor can be polarizing, giving rise to a variety of opinions.

17. Balut

Several Southeast Asian countries consider balut to be a delicacy. It is a fertilized duck egg that is boiled and consumed. Its look, which includes a partially grown duck embryo, can be off-putting to many people, which leads them to avoid it altogether. Even though it is highly appreciated for its rich, savory flavor and creamy texture, it features a halfway-mature duck embryo.


Even though preferences in the kitchen are often subjective, certain foods appear to bring individuals together in their shared disdain. The world of foods that people loathe is as varied as it is fascinating. On the one hand, there is the harsh smell of durian, and on the other, there is the acquired taste of anchovies.

Although some people might take pleasure in these controversial foods, the majority of people have a strong distaste to the different flavors, textures, or scents that they possess. Whether it’s a hereditary tendency or cultural influences at play, the common hatred of these dishes adds depth and complexity to the world of culinary discovery. [C]ulinary exploration is being enriched by this phenomenon.


Why do people have a problem with particular foods?

The preferences that individuals have toward food are influenced by several different elements, such as their genetics, their cultural background, and their actual experiences. Because of the flavor, texture, or perfume of particular foods, which can vary considerably from person to person, certain foods may cause adverse reactions in some individuals.

Is it possible to cook foods that are not to one’s liking in a way that makes them more attractive?

Indeed, it is possible to prepare foods that are despised in a variety of ways to make them more palatable to those who have a wide range of preferences. As an illustration, Brussels sprouts can be roasted with olive oil and various seasonings to enhance their flavor. On the other hand, liver can be used into meals such as paté or liverwurst in order to achieve a more pleasant flavor. Personal tastes, on the other hand, are ultimately the most important factor in determining whether or not a cuisine that is hated may be made to be fun to consume.

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